- At Networthy clients come first. Our goal is to provide professional,
personal, and uncompromising service. You are the most important
part in the creation of your website. That's why listening to you
is top priority. You can count on us to listen and to treat you right.
Balance - Have you ever been to a site
that dazzles you with graphics, animation, and sound, only to leave
you thinking, "Ok, now where do I click to get the information that
I need?" We believe that as in most things, balance is very important
in web development. Some sites obviously put frills before function.
You can dazzle with all the bells and whistles you like, but if
your website isn't easy to navigate and doesn't clearly present
the information you want, the viewer won't stick around to figure
it out. We strive to achieve an effective balance between visual
presentation and function, making it very easy for visitors to get
what they need from your site.
Compatibility - "This site designed for
Microsoft Internet Explorer" or "Best viewed with Browser X"
- You will not find these phrases on Networthy sites. One of the
reasons for the web's rapid growth and success is that it's based
on standards that are independent of browser, operating system,
and hardware. Some companies have added their own "enhancements"
to these standards by making special features available only in
their browsers. This, however, only weakens one of the inherent
strengths of the web - its cross-compatibility. It also tends to
alienate those visitors to your site who happen to be using the
"wrong" browser. We make a conscious effort to create websites that
are browser independent. That means visitors using a recent version
of any popular browser will all have the same experience at your