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Following are some examples of our recent work. Clicking on the monitors will open that site in a new browser window, allowing you to get a better look. Also have a look at more design ideas here.

Ballroom World is the premiere ballroom dance instruction studio in Southwest Missouri. Based in Springfield, Missouri, they teach everything from Waltz, Foxtrot, and Tango to Salsa and West Coast Swing. Networthy enabled Ballroom World to make a big splash with a classy and exciting website which answers frequently asked questions, introduces the instructors, describes types of lessons offered, and provides up-to-date online and printable calendars for those who want to stay informed about all the activities each month. They are making great use of this as a tool to attract new customers and to keep existing customers informed and interested. theballroomworld.com
Springfield Reformed Fellowship is a relatively new church in Springfield, Missouri that began in 2004. Networthy provided a website solution that meets many of their needs, including answers to common questions about their beliefs, online sermons, news and events, online versions of the creeds and confessions to which they subscribe, a Bible lookup tool, an easy-to-use contact form, and more. Many people continue to comment that the website was instrumental in helping them discover the church. springfieldurc.com
Ministries of Love is a non-denominational Christian organization taking the teachings of Jesus Christ and the Word of God throughout the world. Networthy is helping them to use the web to more effectively connect with like-minded individuals and organizations who share their desires to advance the human spirit. A streaming video presentation, easy-to-use contact form, and a clean layout aid in keeping their connection with the world community. ministriesoflove.org
Wet Spot Aquatics is an aquatic nursery that provides good selection, competitive prices, and friendly service. Networthy allowed them to take advantage of a shopping cart system so their customers can conveniently place orders over the web. A generous use of photographs also helps the customer visualize what they are buying before they choose. wetspotaquatics.com
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